Saturday, January 11, 2014


I would speculate that everyone reading this blog is constantly searching for happiness. Who would be actively searching for meaness and chaos in their lives?  While all of us can control our own tempers, attitudes, etc. that contributes to our own unhappiness; what can a person do with the "drama queens" and other mean people in our lives; those who are constantly "raining on our parade." Most people would advise us to simply stay away from them or to ignore them; however, what if you are in a position that makes that absolutely impossible, and you know that you are destined to a life-time of misery due to the antics of "drama queens?"
If you confront them, it only makes them more determined to attack you. It is like throwing gasoline on a raging fire. Their actions should be equated with physical murder. Physical murder kills the body while "drama queens" and other mean people kills the souls of other people with mental murder, and sometimes drives other people to wish they were physically dead.
How can you win with people who are destined to make your life as unhappy as theirs?  I wish I had the answer.  They are mentally ill, and until they recognize they are, and take action themselves, they will continue their dysfunctional behavior.  These people usually suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder, a mental disease.  See the next blog for the day to describe a person suffering from this malady.

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