Saturday, June 29, 2013


During the Zimmerman/Martin trial it has become apparent that Americans live by a double standard.  Martin's girlfriend admitted that the culture in which she lives, it is perfectly all right to use the word "creepy ass cracker" to describe a white person.  Her racial statement HAS NOT been blown out to Mars and back by the liberal media.  Their deafning silence shows that they think it is all right to call white people crackers.

However, back to the Paula Deen case, where she admitted that she has used the "N" word in the past; this statement brought out the rabid wolves who have been "hell-bent" in destroying her.

The liberals are slowly changing our world into a "bizzare world."  While I don't approve of using the "N" word, I am offended by white people being referred to as crackers and honkeys.  Where is the uproad from the liberal media?  Any media?

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