According to O'Bama and his gang, Rupublicans are horrible people. They say: Republicans like dirty air and water, want to throw granny off the cliff so that seniors will have no coverage, want to take away all the rights of women and put women back into the dark ages, deny assistance to people who need help, deny women birth control, and are only looking out for the rich people...and much more. Almost everything that comes out of the mouth of a high-ranking Democratic politician is a lie.
The people who believe these blatant lies must have a low IQ because anybody with a grain of sense can see through some of these statements. The Democrats are reaching out to the people who are easily brainwashed and manipulating them with these ridiculous statements.
The Democratic party, many years ago, was a fine political party. It began to turn into an extremely "liberal" party during Jimmy Carter's reign. Now, it is the party of the morally corrupt people of our society.
The Roman Empire, one of the world's greatest empires, fell due to internal moral corruption.
I was shocked to see how many people, during the DNC convention, voiced a "No" when voting to keep God out of their platform. Our founding fathers designed our constitution on the basis of "In God We Trust."
Wake up people! Use your brains! Vote for Romney/Ryan on November 6th.
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