Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I live on Dauphin Island, Alabama.  This tiny little island and surrounding areas have been greatly affected by the oil spill out in the gulf.

British Petroleum claims that they are doing everything they can to prevent the oil from coming ashore but we cannot see any evidence of that happening.  The oil is coming ashore in sheets and in black, small rocks.  I don't know who should get the credit but there are plenty of workers on the beach cleaning up the oil and placing it in white bags.  This is better than nothing but we would prefer that it stays offshore.

Our local newpaper states today that another rig in the gulf is leaking oil, which was supposedly reported in April.  Has anyone heard of this leak?  This is a rig that is still standing in place.  This leak is not supposed to be as bad as this latest one but it is adding to the problem of oil being dumped into the gulf.

Some people are still swimming in the contaminated gulf waters, even though tar balls are coming ashore.  What I can't understand is why someone in the government does not test all of the gulf waters affected by the oil to see if it is safe for swimming.  Surely, it is toxic and has the potential for making people sick, especially children.

Our little island has practically come to a standstill.  Houses and condos are sitting empty from cancellations or lack of bookings.  Businesses are suffering from lack of customers.  All of us are worried and wonder when it will all end?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Audrey,

    My heart has been heavy knowing of the Oil Spill mass disaster facing Dauphin Island and the Gulf Coast. I urge you to seek legal counsel on the lowering of property values, etc. Mobile Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service is 251-433-1032 or 800-392-5660.

    I wish you success in the online bookstore, even though money is so tight at this time for me that I can't afford to order any books while I partially support my granddaughter.

    Remember to head my way when a hurricane is coming to stay at my house.


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