Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Everyday, I am appalled at how the liberal media attacks some people/politicians for being moral upstanding citizens, like Sarah Palin, while others who are guilty of horrific acts, like Barney Frank, gets away with almost no condemnation.

This is an excerpt from an article about Barney Frank and does not even scratch the surface of his acts during his political career and he is still voted back in time and time again.

Excerpt from The Gambler as published in the National Review, August 24, 2009 issue:

It's hard to think of another Congressman who would have survived the revelation that he had had recourse to a prostitute, had taken the prostitute into his home, had hired the prostitute as a congressional aide, had written letters to probation officers in the prostitute's behalf on congressional letterhead, and had had a gay whorehouse run out of his Capitol Hill home, with the whole circus coming to an ugly public climax when the prostitute inspired by a viewing of Mayflower Madam, tried to sell his story to the Washington Post.

For a normal politician, that's the sort of scandal that keeps your great-grandkids out of politics.

Note from Audrey: As I said, this was only an excerpt of a four page article about Barney Frank and his misdeeds which go on and on and on. Why does he keep being voted back into office?

Remember: He is paid with the taxes we send to Washington.

1 comment:

  1. He is your embarassment. Get him out of there At least he didn't cannibalize anyone as your Libs did in LA


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