Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13, 2009 - Two horrible acts of crime!

1) Just when you think you have seen/heard it all...a new low down criminal act has been committed by some depraved person(s). The graves that are making national news, that have been robbed and discarded to only God knows where, to make more room to sell more plots, is about the most hideous crime that I have ever heard of in my life.

I cannot even imagine the horror the family members are experiencing when they go to the graveyard and find that their loved one's bodies are missing. Although most people realize that their spirits are no longer there, hopefully residing in heaven, but it is still a "tangible" place where they can go and pay their respects, while reflecting on past memories when the deceased person was still alive.

2) It is also hard to believe that anyone can be evil enough to walk into someone's home, who are raising sixteen children, with twelve of them being adopted and some of them being handicapped, and brutally killing them in cold blood. A sentence of death would be too kind...they need to be put in isolation and never let out for the rest of their lives.

Nothing seems to be sacred anymore.

1 comment:

  1. You are right on target, if any a case that warrants the death penalty, this one does.


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