Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12, 2009 - Religion and Politics

I attended church this morning and as always, I feel better. What do people do who do not believe in a higher power? Who do they turn to when they are facing the hardships and tragedies of life? As for me, I turn to God.

It seems to me that if more people in politics and the media would turn to God, there might be more "truth" in politics and in reporting the news. Do I get an Amen?

Just imagine...if there was no God. Our bible says that he first appeared to the Jews to offer his services as their God. The Jews got all tangled up in rules and regulations making it almost impossible to worship God. I envision God thinking, "These guys just don't get it. It may be because I am invisible, unable to speak to them directly, and they can't put a face on me as their God. I will send down my son, in the flesh, to instruct them on the simple rules of worship."

Jesus came and some accepted him and some didn't. It is the same today! But, the ones of us who do accept him try to live by his simple teachings such as "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I think it helps most of us to have a mental picture of him as set forth in the four gospels, not physically, but as a real live, loving, human being.

What if Jesus had never been born and we still had to rely on an invisible God? God might have died in some people's eyes. Just think...Jesus is responsible for thousands and thousands of churches being in existence around the world. I put forth the question again...what if Jesus had never be born? Where would I have went this morning to refresh my soul?

Another thought...if there wasn't a God...mankind probably would have already annihilated each other. Our world is getting closer to doing just that because we are sinking more and more into becoming a decadent society. The simple rules of Jesus are just too hard for some people to follow, so many are turning their backs on him and following their own rule of "If it feels good, then do it."

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